Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday in Fuzhou

 Thursday was very relaxed.  We only had one thing on the official agenda.  Going to a street in the city called Three Lands and Seven Valleys.  It is one of the top ten streets in China.  Our guide was very excited about taking us there.  We had no idea what it was, just that it was exciting!  It was shopping.  Lots of shopping.  Awesome.  Ashley and I are not big shoppers, but it was a neat street.  It was a good chance to look at traditional Chinese architecture and to be looked at by Chinese people :)  No shame in stopping in staring; a lot and for long amounts of time!

The other baby in the picture is Noelle.  Her family is from California.  She wears her hair bows like a good girl.  She and Calli were connecting for the first time even though we have been together for days.  They were reaching out and holding hands.  This was my first time to wear the baby carrier - actually pretty cool, and A&M colors.  The man wearing the baby definitely got some stares.

 A Starbucks!  This was waiting for us at the end of 3 Lands and 7 Valleys.  A Caffe Mocha and a Shaken Iced Green Tea Lemonade was all the we purchased on the street of shopping.  I think this is the only Starbucks in Fuzhou - a city of 7 million.
 They even had Fuzhou mugs

Momma, Calli, and the Bougainvillea
 This is what you do on a relaxed day!

After nap we went on a boat ride.  This lake is right in front of our hotel.  It has a great 3 mile walking trail, lots of little islands with sightseeing kinds of things, and the opportunity to take a little boat out for just a little fee.  Our captain is Ethan, the big brother of Joshua - another little guy being adopted from this province.  Joshua's family is from Illinois. 

 Our hotel, The Lakeside

 Dinner at a Japanese restaurant in our hotel.  This was our first time to try this place.  It was pretty good and interesting for sure.  It is on the "M" floor of our hotel.  We decided "M" stands for mystery!  The appetizer was kidney beans or unknown orange spicy things.  Calli LOVED the kidney beans.  She will eat anything.
A couple videos from our boat ride and walk around the island (notice the music in the video of the ladies dancing - I guess we did a little stopping and long staring of our own :) 


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