Sunday, April 7, 2013

Calli Faith is Here!

We have our sweet girl! At 3:30 this afternoon we left our hotel room, got on the elevator and went down to the 3rd floor of our hotel, to a conference room. There we met our guide and two other families who were meeting their children for the first time as well. One family already had their son, so we sat down to wait with the other family. We had barely introduced ourselves when Li Xiao Fei walked in with her two orphanage workers! They handed her to me and she immediately started crying. :) One of the workers had a juice box of milk for her, so I opened it, put the straw in, and gave it to her. She immediately squeezed a ton of milk all over both of us! It felt so good to hold her, even though she was bundled up in so many layers. Randy started filling out paperwork and I worked on trying to keep Calli happy. She kept her eye on the orphanage director the whole time. We could tell that she loves them, they love her, and they took great care of her!
 When the milk was such a disaster, we gave her some crackers, kind of like goldfish. She loved those and let me feed her some and fed herself some.

This is some of the paperwork Randy had to fill out.
 Before we left, we took a picture with the two orphanage workers. The one standing next to Randy is the director of her orphanage and the one next to me is a helper. They were super nice and told us that Xiao Fei is so smart and has a good personality. We asked them if we could come visit the orphanage this week and they said yes!
Back in the room, we sat down to play with toys we brought. We are so in love with her!
After a little bit, she stood up from me,  turned around, and backed up against Randy and sat with him! And she hasn't left him since. In fact, if I come near her, she starts crying. Randy had to hand her to me at one point this afternoon so he could go to the bathroom and she cried the whole time. I said, "You just met him!" She is definitely already a daddy's girl - but I'm also hoping she lets me get close as she starts to feel more comfortable.


We slowly peeled off layers. I'll post a picture of all her clothes she came in later, but she had a coat and two shirts on, as well as two layers of pants! She loves the stacking blocks we brought for her. Thanks Pops! 

The videos we took are taking a long time to upload, so I will keep working. I'm going to go ahead and post this now though because I know people are waiting! :) We'll get more videos up soon. We're so thankful for your prayers on our behalf and for Calli. Continue to pray that she will relax, feel comfortable, and let both of us comfort her. We're so thankful for you all!!


  1. I can't stop crying. Mostly tears of joy, and a lot of these other weird emotions I can't explain but you probably know exactly what I'm talking about. Love seeing y'all holding her after such a long time!! It's probably a good thing you and I aren't in the same room this month because we would just be an emotional mess! Maybe by the time we are able to get together again we can kind of hold it together :-) Love y'all and praying for all three of y'all this week!!

  2. You don't know me - I am a neighbor of you mom in Spring Ranch neighborhood.
    We adopted our daughter from Korea in 1999. She was also born with a cleft lip and to look at her now - you would never know it. Praying blessings on your sweet family. I would love to meet you and your sweet baby one day!! My name is Jill.

  3. God is Able
    He will never fail
    He is almighty God
    Greater than all we seek
    Greater than all we ask
    He has done great things
    Lifted up, He defeated the grave
    raised to life, our God is able
    In His name, we overcome
    For the Lord, our God is able
    God is with us
    God is on our side
    He will make a way
    Far above all we know
    Far above all we hope
    He has done great things

    Sang this this morning at church and thought of y'all. He is able to weave that sweet girl into your family seamlessly.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A daddy's girl!! Randy has always had a way with immediately disarming the fears of small children. What a blessing from God for him to be able to help calm her so quickly.

    Praying blessings on this new chapter in your lives!!

  6. Girl, I know you are beginning your new morning with your sweet girl today as we are trying to get rid of the last of our jet lag here back in the States. I have been thinking about your family today and are so glad to see Calli with her forever family. These days may be the toughest you've ever experienced, but know that God will sustain you. You know that Joshua would cry around me when we first started, too. Now, home a week, he's attaching wonderfully. So, know that even if she doesn't warm up to you quickly, it will happen! It's hard to endure, but Guangzhou will be better. Home will be even better than that. Praying for you!
