Wednesday, April 24, 2013

While we were gone...

...the girls couldn't have had more fun! We honestly think they hardly thought about us being gone and were so distracted having a blast with their grandparents - which is what we wanted! We were so, so very thankful for our parents who each had the girls about 5 days! That's a long time! They had sleepovers, stayed home from work, juggled schedules, lost sleep and were kept on their toes for five whole days. And we're pretty sure they really loved it as much as the girls did. :) All 6 of them are awesome and we are so blessed. We couldn't have made the trip to Calli without them!
The girls started off at my Dad and Lisa's, Kiki and Pops. Wait - I did that backwards - Dad and Lisa, Pops and Kiki. My Dad's name is not "Kiki."
They planned a bunch of fun things for the girls to do. It was a little cold but one day they went to the zoo and rode the Forest Park train. So fun!

They also went to the Keller Library, where Lisa was the director for so many years. These girls love going to the library! 
Dad took them to Jump Street one day. I wasn't too sure how the girls would like it, but they were brave and tried it and loved it! We loved hearing stories of how they stuck together and took care of each other when they were around other kids. Such good sisters!
 Back at the zoo - when Kendall saw the longhorn, she said, "Saw 'em off!" Makes us feel like we're doing something right. Whoop!

They even got to go visit Great Granny Sunday after church. They love playing with all the treasures at her house.

The girls "met" Calli for the first time at Kiki and Pops house. We skyped with them a lot and they always wanted to see Calli. It was fun letting them get to know her a little!
After being there from Wednesday to Monday, after school Monday my mom went and picked up the girls. They were so excited to go to Granny and Papas' and see the big dogs. One night when they were with them, Mom took the girls to a fundraiser for her school at Barnes and Noble and they got to sit with her while she read to the kids! They even picked out some books and Cooper made sure to choose one for Calli - so sweet!
 "Pa-getti!!" We think Cooper ate a LOT of spaghetti - she gained some weight in Ft. Worth!
 Skyping one night when Alden, Scott, Matt and Angie were there!

 They got to pick out new pajamas one day - Kendall loved these frog pajamas. She has been asking us for a robe. A lot. I'm not sure where she got it, but she has it in her head that she NEEDS a robe. Mom looked for one, but no luck. I think she's pretty happy with these.
 Mom showed them the blog each morning when they woke up so they could see pictures of us in China!
On a ride with Papas!
 New bathing suits and lots of swims in the hot tub. And terrorizing the dogs. :)

After a great week with Granny and Papas, on Saturday they moved to Gigi and Peeps' house. They were looking forward to lots of cousin time while they were there! I know at least 2 of the 4 nights they were there that they had sleep-overs with their cousins. One night Kendall and Gracie slept at Val and Jeff's and Cooper and Evy slept at Gigi and Peeps. Then, another night they flipped! They love being with their cousins!!
 One day when Peeps and Kendall were resting and Gigi was working on setting up Skype, Cooper was busy feeding the fish! She came in to Anita and said, "I fed the fish!" so proud of herself. She had dumped the whole container of fish food in the aquarium! Just pulled a chair up and was so proud. I think Peeps may have lost a couple of fish in that one...

 Goofy cousins! Not sure what planet they're all on, but it must be fun there!

 All 5 - just missing one! Look at that belly on Cooper! She totally gained Ft. Worth weight!

We just can't say enough how thankful we are for all of you guys! Thanks for loving our girls and taking such good care of them while we were gone. We weren't worried for a minute, and were so glad they were so happy and excited to be there. Thanks for making skyping with us a priority each day and for being patient with the girls when they were a little home-sick. We love all of you so much!!!

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun having them for an extended period of time! We had a blast and they did great! Next time it will include Calli! We love all three of these girls! Pops
