Monday, April 15, 2013

Consulate Appointment, Zoo, and a Cruise!

We have had a very big day! Today was our consulate appointment - the day all these last 14 months have led up to! Today we took an oath on behalf of Calli, we submitted more paperwork to the consulate, and her US visa was issued! We should receive it tomorrow and then we are FREE TO LEAVE! We are so excited and ready. Then the only thing waiting to make Calli a US citizen is for her feet to touch US soil. So when we touch down in San Francisco on Wednesday, she will officially be a citizen and we will be DONE. We wore our red, white, and blue to celebrate today. :)
 We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the consulate, but we got this one out in the lobby. I got a little emotional taking the oath! We were there with 11 other adoptive families and it was the culmination of a lot of work. So relieved to be finished!
 From there our group went to the Guangzhou zoo! We had an early morning getting up for our consulate appointment so Calli was pretty done by then. We are also noticing a huge difference between her behavior in our hotel room and when we go out. It's almost like it's too much and she just fusses and gets upset when we get out. In our room she is happy and giggly and talkative and even more friendly towards me. Now we understand the reason for "cocooning" once you get home! We'll be spending a lot of time at home letting her get adjusted.


Tonight we had a dinner cruise on the Pearl River. Calli wore one of the new dresses we bought her when we were out shopping yesterday - so cute!
 Our whole group! We have enjoyed getting to know everyone and hearing their stories. Plus it's just good to be with other people who are experiencing the same things you are. Except the family on the far left. They are the ones adopting two baby girls at once and we just can't even imagine their level of tired. Such awesome families!


Here are Randy and Calli on the boat! Randy joked that we can make a scrapbook of Dad and Calli pictures in China - he is the only one ever holding her, so all the pictures are with him. :)

 The tallest building in Guangzhou! The lights were very cool and constantly changed colors. Very neat!
 Some kind of outdoor theater or stadium.

Back inside we watched some entertainment. Randy and I laughed a lot at this - it was just kind of random and very funny. But then Calli heard the music and started dancing. She loves to dance and starts rocking back and forth anytime she hears music. She will fit in well in our crazy family!

Stink. I had a video I was trying to post of Calli dancing, but the internet is too slow here. I will try to post it on facebook or just wait until we get home. She's so cute dancing to the crazy lady's music!!

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