Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mother's Day and Calli's Dedication

Sorry some of these pictures are a little blurry! I only had my phone and didn't think to grab my camera.
Mother's Day 2013 was wonderful! It was so great to celebrate my three girls and having Calli home with us. It was also special because we dedicated Calli in the Mother's Day dedication at church! Kendall and Cooper were both dedicated on Mother's Day, so we loved getting to do Calli's on that day, too!
Prior to the dedication, we listened to three talks done by our children's ministry, each with homework to complete. We wrote a letter to Calli, identified core values and habits we wanted to prioritize. Then we went to an orientation where we talked about ways to implement these. We love the way BPF does parent/child dedication - it is very meaningful to us.
Our friends the Fipps also dedicated their two sons and their new daughter in the same service as us. They are in our small group and we loved doing this together! There were 12 other families dedicating their children in the other two services, but we were the only two in the 8:30 service. We were both so proud of ourselves for getting all six of our kids there - not only on time, but early!

 It was also a special weekend because all 6 of the girls' grandparents come down to LJ! They all got here on Saturday and left on Sunday and we just had so much fun eating at home, hanging out, and playing. Very laid-back and relaxed and great to all just be together! We are so thankful for our family!

 It was a beautiful weekend and we spent lots of time outside. We are soaking up all the outside time we can get before the mosquitoes arrive. So far so good! It was a great holiday!

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