Tuesday, November 26, 2013

One Year Referral-versary!

Today is our one year referral-versary! One year ago today, we received the call that we had been matched with Li Xiao Fei, and that we had 48 hours to accept her referral. We saw her face for the first time, read her file, and knew right away that she was ours and we were hers. Here is a blog post about that day, and then one from when we got our pre-approval. It was a big day in our family and one that is worth celebrating and remembering! Here is the first picture we ever saw of our Calli Faith.
One year ago today, we read things like Li Xiao Fei “is a quiet and lovely child.” Today we know that she is not quiet at all, but is more than lovely to us!
One year ago today, we read things like Li Xiao Fei “has sound sleep, good appetite, and not choosy food.” Today we know that she does in fact sleep well, loves to eat more than almost anything, and that while she started out eating anything and everything, she has started to grow a little “choosy.” We take that as a sign that she is gaining trust, knows she will always have enough to eat, and is developing new tastes.

One year ago today, we read things like Li Xiao Fei “likes to be cuddled.” We loved that detail so much, and especially loved that someone was actually cuddling her. Today, we are very thankful that she has easily allowed us to be the ones to cuddle her, and we love the time we spend holding her, after waiting so long for her to be in our arms.

One year ago today, we read things like Li Xiao Fei’s “language development is delayed,” but that she “can shake her head to refuse things she does not like.” Today we know that while her language is delayed, due mostly to her cleft, we have absolutely no problem communicating, either way. We know what she wants and she very much understands every single thing we say. We are amazed with how quickly she understood English, we are thankful for her speech therapy, and for all the amazing medical care we have had access to for her.

One year ago today, we read things like Li Xiao Fei “does not like to stay alone,” “likes getting along with others,” and “has a ready smile.” Today we know that she loves her friends, loves being with her family, and has the most beautiful smile in the world. Her personality is so fun and she just fits into our family perfectly. She is definitely one of us!

One year ago today, we saw her picture, read her file, and knew right away she was our baby. We are so excited to be celebrating our first Thanksgiving with her home with us, and we are amazed at the way God placed her in our family.

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